About Course

This tutorial will teach advanced Javascript Programming as well as React. The purpose of this course is to ensure at the end your comfortable using React one of the worlds popular front end libraries. As well as have the skills to produce your very own Front-End Project.

This course is designed to be completed in 9 weeks and is designed to give you the skills to becoming a React Developer. And also to be able to build your very own Front-End Projects.

What Will You Learn?

  • JS: Syntax, Introduction.
  • JS: SPA(Single Page Application) VS MPA(Multipage Application).
  • JS: CDN(Content Delivery Network), Components .
  • JS: JSX and HTML vs JSX.
  • JS: Styling, Component Props.
  • JS: Component State, Handing Events.
  • JS: React Forms, CRA(Create - React - App ) Tool.
  • JS: NPM, React Routes.
  • JS: Conditional Component Rendering, List and Keys.
  • JS: Pass Data from Parent to Child and Vice versa.
  • JS: React Hooks, React Redux
  • JS: React Thunks, Fetch API.
  • JS: Axios, CodeSplitting.
  • JS: Lazy Loading, React Debugging and Techniques.
  • JS: Testing with Jest/Enzyme.
  • JS: Performance Tools, CSS in JS.
  • JS: React Bootstrap, Material UI and WebPack.
  • JS: React With Firebase (Backend) Project.

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